Volunteer With Us

Want To Volunteer?

Volunteer Opportunities – We are always in need of volunteers! We utilize volunteers as horse leaders and sidewalkers to help keep our clients safe in therapy sessions and therapeutic riding sessions. We do not require any equine experience to volunteer and we provide all training necessary. Volunteers must be 13 years old to volunteer.  Please email Branded if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.

Volunteer Application

Email Branded Volunteer Services

Help Us Make A Difference

Child During Horse Therapy

How You Can Help


Want To Help With Our Services?

We are always looking for volunteers, and there are plenty of ways that you can help with our cause.  We are looking for Horse-Leaders and Side-Walkers for our Hippotherapy and Therapeutic Riding sessions.  You can also help with cleaning, maintenance, organization, and other tasks to help keep things running smoothly.  If you’re interested please fill out the volunteer form and return it us either by e-mail, in-person, or mail.

Volunteer Application

Email Volunteer Services

“Two things that are super important to me are helping children and veterans and working with horses. Doing both at the same time is a dream”



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